Sponsored by GSK ViiV


  • Dr. Peter Barrett and the Health Protection Team in the Department of Public Health, Cork & Kerry
Winner of the GSK ViiV Infectious Diseases Project of the Year 2024: Dr. Peter Barrett and the Health Protection Team in the Department of Public Health, Cork & Kerry with sponsor Youssef Youssef (1st on LHS), GSK ViiV.

This Honours category seeks to recognise those hospital professionals that have displayed levels of excellence and dedication within any category of infectious diseases and antimicrobials in Ireland.

Key roles for the infectious diseases professionals include educating pharmacy, medical and nursing staff, auditing prescribing patterns and trends, monitoring antibiotic use, ensuring compliance with good practices and managing infection control issues, all of which contribute to reducing hospital associated infections.

Hospital Professional Honours – Saturday 14th September, 2024 – Dublin Royal Convention Centre

Sponsored by GSK ViiV